Tuesday, September 15, 2009


"Me Tarzan, you Jane."

The actual exchange between Maureen O'Sullivan and Johnny Weissmuller in the 1932 movie, Tarzan the Ape Man is much more involved, and realistic I think. It goes like this:

Jane: "Thank you for protecting me."

Tarzan: (pointing to Jane) "Me?"

Jane: "I said, 'Thank you for protecting me."

Tarzan: (pointing to Jane) "Me."

Jane: "No, I'm only 'me' for me.

Tarzan: (pointing to Jane) "Me."

Jane: "No. To you I'm 'you'."

Tarzan: (pointing to himself) "You."

Jane: "No... I'm Jane Parker, understand? Jane, Jane."

Tarzan: (pointing to Jane) "Jane, Jane, Jane."

Jane: "Yes, Jane. You? (pointing to herself) Jane."

Tarzan: (pointing to Jane) "Jane."

Jane: "And you, you."

Tarzan: (pointing to himself) "Tarzan, Tarzan."

Jane: "Tarzan."


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